As counterparties across the financial ecosystem have become increasingly interconnected, credit relationships have become increasingly collateralised, according to Nathanael Benjamin
ISDA’s head of capital Panayiotis Dionysopoulos and head of clearing services Ulrich Karl speak to Bob Currie about the implications of the US Basel III Endgame and G-SIB Surcharge proposals
The anticipated US Treasury Clearing proposal has caused concern for some firms, which indicate that the costs of its implementation will outweigh the benefits
The Reserve Bank of India proposal will allow borrowing in all G-SECs issued by central government apart from treasury bills, with loan trades from one day to 90 days
The Basel committee has proposed technical amendments to the calculation of minimum haircut floors for securities financing transactions to avoid common misunderstandings
The Financial Stability Board has extended the implementation timelines for minimum haircut standards for non-centrally cleared securities financing transactions